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A Weasel's Habitat | Animals -

A Weasel's Habitat

Hemera Technologies/ Images

When Americans use the idiom, "Don't try to weasel out of it," they're referring to weasels' unique ability to slip through even the smallest of openings because of their sinewy bodies. Their cylindrical skeletal structure allows them easily fit through small holes. Avid hunters, but also prized prey of many other animals, weasels...

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How to Take Care of a Long-Tailed Lizard | Animals -

How to Take Care of a Long-Tailed Lizard

Thinkstock/Comstock/Getty Images

Long-tailed lizards are underappreciated as pets. They lack the size of monitor lizards, the personality of bearded dragons and the bright colors of chameleons. Nevertheless, they exhibit interesting natural behaviors when kept in well-designed enclosures. Using their tails to help them balance on thin branches and twigs,...

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Can an Anole Live With a Long Tailed Lizard? | Animals ...

Can an Anole Live With a Long Tailed Lizard?

Jupiterimages/ Images

Anoles (Anolis ssp.) and long-tailed lizards (Takydromus sexlineatus) are similar in many ways, but they have a few important differences which prevent them from being good cage mates. Both are small, diurnal insectivores that frequent areas of secondary plant growth, such as gardens and forest edges. Additionally, both will autotomize their tails readily if grasped by a predator; while they may regenerate, regrown tails lack the...

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