What does website aggregator mean? - Definitions.net

Here are all the possible meanings and translations of the word website aggregator.

Wiktionary(0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition:

website aggregator(Noun)

A website that consolidates information from a multitude of other websites (often by means of newsfeeds), allowing users to view all...  [more...]

6 Articles (and 2 Videos) for this topic

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Definition of HPANA - acronymsandslang.com

What does HPANA mean? - Definition of HPANA - HPANA stands for Harry Potter Automatic News Aggregator. By AcronymsAndSlang.com

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Most popular questions people look for...  [more...]

10 Articles (and 1 Videos) for this topic

what is an example content aggregator website? | Yahoo Answers

This Site Might Help You.


what is an example content aggregator website?

Source(s): content aggregator website: https://tr.im/Z4X7h

? · 2 years ago

· just now

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A new site goes by the name strrip.com and is a perfect example of a content aggregator website.

Jiji · 4 years ago

· just now

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An aggregator or news aggregator or feed reader is a client software that uses web feed to retrieve syndicated web content such as blogs, podcasts, vlogs, and mainstream mass media websites, or in the case of a search aggregator, a...  [more...]

5 Articles for this topic

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Building a Desktop News Aggregator - msdn.microsoft.com

My investigations led to my discovery of RSS and the creation of my desktop news aggregator, RSS Bandit.

What Is RSS?

RSS is an XML format used for syndicating news and similar content from online news sources. RSS is used by news sites like C|Net and Wired , online technical journals like XML.com , and Web logs like Don Box's Spoutletex and Joel on Software .

An RSS feed is a regularly updated...  [more...]

9 Articles for this topic

Aggregator - Definition of Aggregator - QFINANCE

Definition of aggregator

Definition of


1. Finance

firm selling product packages a company that combines similar products or services into larger packages, making a profit by cost savings, by reaching a larger market, or by charging more for the combined package. In the secondary mortgage market, aggregators buy individual...  [more...]

6 Articles for this topic


What is content aggregator? - Definition from WhatIs.com

A content aggregator is an individual or organization that gathers Web content (and/or sometimes applications) from different online sources for reuse or resale. There are two kinds of content aggregators: (1) those who simply gather material from various sources for their Web sites, and (2) those who gather and distribute content to suit their customer's needs. The latter process is called syndication . ScreamingMedia, Moreover, and iSyndicate are among the increasing number of companies offering aggregated content for resale.

Download this free...  [more...]

5 Articles for this topic

WP RSS Aggregator Plugin Review: Import RSS Feed Instantly

If we talk about some of the best and most popular WordPress plugins WP RSS Aggregator will definitely reserve it's spot in the list, high quality coding, more than 78k downloads, talks about the success story of this amazing plugin.

Imports and aggregates multiple RSS Feeds using SimplePie. Outputs feeds sorted by date (latest first). WP RSS Aggregator is the most comprehensive and elegant RSS...  [more...]

5 Articles (and 1 Videos) for this topic


Definition of a Mortgage Aggregator | Our Everyday Life

Definition of a Mortgage Aggregator

by Laura Kingsbury

The secondary mortgage market is made up of third party aggregators who buy and sell mortgages.

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A mortgage aggregator is a middleman in the secondary mortgage market who buys individual mortgages from financial institutions, packages them as mortgage-backed securities...  [more...]

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Aggregator | definition of aggregator by Medical dictionary

Aggregator | definition of aggregator by Medical dictionary




individuals, families, or other groupings who are associated because of similar social, personal, health care, or other needs or interests.


1. To unite or come together in a mass or cluster.

2. The total of individual units making up a mass or cluster.

[L. ag-grego, pp. -atus, to add to, fr. grex (greg-), a flock]


1. (ag´re-gat) to crowd or cluster together.

2....  [more...]

4 Articles (and 4 Videos) for this topic


What is data aggregation? - Definition from WhatIs.com

Data aggregation is any process in which information is gathered and expressed in a summary form, for purposes such as statistical analysis. A common aggregation purpose is to get more information about particular groups based on specific variables such as age, profession, or income. The information about such groups can then be used for Web site personalization to choose content and advertising...  [more...]

4 Articles (and 1 Videos) for this topic

What is aggregator model? definition and meaning ...

Electronic commerce business model where a firm (that does not produce or warehouses any item) collects (aggregates) information on goods...  [more...]

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The Top 5 Social Media Managing Tools | Social Media Today

June 15, 2012 Jen Eisenberg

Let's be honest: managing social media accounts can be overwhelming.

Tweeting, Facebooking, checking in on Foursquare, questioning on Quora, updating your LinkedIn, pinning on Pinterest, admiring your Klout score....it is exhausting. Logging in to so many disconnected social media accounts can be a daunting and inefficient. What you need is a dashboard - a place to...  [more...]

2 Articles (and 1 Videos) for this topic

Top 10 Online Payment Processing Platforms in Nigeria 2015

Top 10 Online Payment Processing Platforms in Nigeria 2015

Published December 31, 2015 | By ediaro.com

Nigeria, the Giant of Africa is really a place to have a successful online business. Infact, targeting Nigeria for any ebusiness is not likely going to fail because with a huge population of over 170million; change in political landscape, growth of banking sector and telecommunication industry,...  [more...]

1 Articles for this topic


Web Aggregators- Transforming the insurance sector : Money ...

Web Aggregators- Transforming the insurance sector

Naval Goel   |    March 17, 2016 | UPDATED 17:10 IST


A+ A-

Naval Goel, Founder and CEO, PolicyX.com

Those of us who were adults in the pre-internet times would remember the hassles that one had to go through to purchase an insurance policy which was ideal for them and their loved ones. The hiring of a local insurance agent, his...  [more...]

1 Articles for this topic


Aggregator - Definition of Aggregator - QFINANCE

Definition of aggregator

Definition of


1. Finance

firm selling product packages a company that combines similar products or services into larger packages, making a profit by cost savings, by reaching a larger market, or by charging more for the combined package. In the secondary mortgage market, aggregators buy individual...

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Website: http://www.financepractitioner.com

Related topics : mortgage aggregator definition / aggregator definition business / aggregator definition dictionary / aggregator definition

Aggregator | definition of aggregator by Medical dictionary

Aggregator | definition of aggregator by Medical dictionary




individuals, families, or other groupings who are associated because of similar social, personal, health care, or other needs or interests.


1. To unite or come together in a mass or cluster.

2. The total of individual units making up a mass or cluster.

[L. ag-grego, pp. -atus, to add to, fr. grex (greg-), a flock]


1. (ag´re-gat) to crowd or cluster together.


Read more

Website: http://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com

Related topics : aggregator definition dictionary / data aggregator definition / definition content aggregator / aggregator definition

What does website aggregator mean? - Definitions.net

Here are all the possible meanings and translations of the word website aggregator.

Wiktionary(0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition:

website aggregator(Noun)

A website that consolidates information from a multitude of other websites (often by means of newsfeeds), allowing users to view all...

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Website: http://www.definitions.net

Related topics : aggregator website definition / new aggregator websites / aggregator website / new aggregator definition / aggregator definition

What is the definition of "market aggregation ...

What is the definition of "market aggregation"?


Quick Answer

"Market aggregation" is defined as the marketing of standardized goods and services to a large population of people that have similar needs, according to Inc. Another name for market aggregation is "mass marketing," a strategy that treats all customers as a single group that is handled homogeneously.

Full Answer

Many products with everyday use are marketed in this way, including gasoline, sugar, rubber bands and dry cleaning services. Inc. explains that the reason why market...

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Website: https://www.reference.com

Related topics : aggregator definition business / aggregator definition

Aggregation | Definition of Aggregation by Merriam-Webster

noun ag·gre·ga·tion \,a-gr -'ga-sh n\

Legal Definition of aggregation

1 :  the collecting of individual units (as damages) into a whole

2 :  a collection of separate parts that is...

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Website: https://www.merriam-webster.com

Related topics : new aggregator definition / aggregator definition