Selected articles for topic: django rss feed aggregator
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#2236 (Error in aggregator RSS feeds titles) – Django
From the looks of the code (and [2345] ), the RSS feed to the Django community aggregator should display titles that look like "Blog Name: Article title". Instead we get ": Article title".
Related topics : django rss feed aggregator / rss feed html code for website / rss feed reader source code / rss feed reader code for website / rss feed reader code html
rss - Planet feed aggregator for django - Webmasters Stack ...
We are looking for a way to integrate a feed aggregator (like a planet, which takes a set of rss/atom feeds and posts the latest N feed items) into a Django site. Ideally, the...
Related topics : django rss feed aggregator / rss and atom feed aggregator / planet feed aggregator / rss feeds aggregator / django feed aggregator
#17910 (Remove Feed from Community RSS) – Django
Remove Feed from Community RSS
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The last several posts to David Larlet's Blog have had nothing to do with Django so I used his contact form to ask if he could filter the RSS entries that are reposted via the community feed but he stated that the feed could simply be removed as he doesn't plan to blog about technical stuff any...
Related topics : django rss feed aggregator / django feed aggregator / rss feeds aggregator / django rss aggregator / blogs feed aggregator
Generating RSS Mashups from Django | scot hacker's foobar blog
Generating RSS Mashups from Django
I recently got to work on an interesting Django side project: the Bay News Network - a directory of Bay Area bloggers and hyperlocal news sites. The goal of the site was three-fold:
To create a many-to-many directory of local sites that matched our editorial criteria
To let site owners log in and edit their own listings
To both consume and produce RSS feeds from...
Related topics : django rss feed aggregator / create rss feed for site without one / create rss feed for site / django feed aggregator / create rss feed aggregator
4 Resources