Selected articles for topic: java rss reader example code
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The Ultimate RSS Toolbox - 120+ RSS Resources
Never again will mankind have to look for RSS info in more than one place...ok, we're kidding, but we've aimed to create a near comprehensive list of all the RSS readers, tools, browser plugins, tips, hacks and directories available on the web. We hope you find it useful (we built it because we needed it), and feel free to add your own suggestions in the comments.
For those just starting out in...
Related topics : using google reader for rss feeds / news google news rss reader / google rss reader mac / feedly - your news rss google reader / feedly. google reader news rss
PHPBuilder - Building a PHP RSS Aggregator
RSS stands for Really Simple Syndication. It is a Web format that allows website owners to distribute their latest and frequently updated content in a standardized way. RSS feed is actually an XML document that can be easily read by using RSS reader software or built-in functions in programming languages, such as PHP or Java. In this article, the focus will be on building a RSS aggregator...
Related topics : php rss feed aggregator script / create rss feed for website using php / parsing rss feed using php / display rss feed on website using php / php rss feed aggregator
2 Resources