Free PHP RSS Parser - Only 3kb! | BNC Scripts
BNC Free PHP RSS Parser is a PHP script that converts data from RSS feeds to HTML.
It displays it inside your webpage, exactly as if the content were part of you page. You can easily convert RSS feeds to HTML. Easily display news from other sites on your site
Use this script to automatically import content...
Related topics : php script for displaying rss feeds in html / rss feed parser php / parsing rss feed using php / rss feed parsing php / php script parse rss
Download RSS_PHP - RSS Parser for PHP 5
RSS_PHP is available in two versions; RSSPHP Free (v1) and RSSPHP Commercial (v3)
RSS_PHP Commercial (v3) is available with single purchase required for unlimited domain / installation usage.
If you like RSS_PHP, share it, digg it, blog it, link back to source [ ]
About RSS_PHP Commercial (v3)
This commercial release contains all functionality of the free version while adding advanced...
Related topics : rss feed parser php / parsing rss feed using php / rss feed parsing php / rss feed free download
RSS PHP - RSS Parser and XML Parser for PHP 5+
RSS_PHP Introduction
RSS_PHP is a RSS Parser and XML Parser for PHP 5+, utilising the DOM to parse any valid XML Document including RSS, with provisional support for ATOM feeds.
Unlike many RSS Parsers, RSS_PHP also gives you full access to every part of the original RSS feed; including RSS attributes, RSS extensions, XML namespaces, XML stylesheets and node values.
This RSS Parser was created to...
Related topics : rss feed parser php / parsing rss feed using php / rss feed parsing php / rss feed free download / create rss feed for site
Free Rss Feed Generator Downloads - Linux
Download Rss Feed Generator Linux Software
PSP RSS Feed Generator �v.1.0 PSP RSS Feed Generator is a commandline based PSP RSS Channel file creator intended for beginners' use. It scans a local directory and creates a PSP RSS Channel compatible XML file ready to be hosted on a web site. ***Supports directories with ...
ARADO - URL Database & RSS Feed Reader...
Related topics : create rss feed for website using php / parsing rss feed using php / linux rss reader feedly / rss news feed reader php / php rss feed reader script
Dynamic Drive- XML and RSS Scripts
gAjax RSS Feeds Displayer (hosted) FF1+ IE5+ Opera8+
This script takes advantage of Google's Ajax Feed API to let you easily display RSS feeds on your site without hosting anything on your own servers. Display results from multiple feeds intermixed, sort them in a variety of ways, specify which components of each RSS entry to display, and more.
gAjax RSS Ticker (hosted) FF1+ IE5+...
Related topics : php script for displaying rss feeds in html / create rss feed for site without one / create rss feed for site / rss feed parser php / rss feed open source
20+ Best jQuery Rss feed reader tutorial & plugin with ...
20+ Best jQuery Rss feed reader tutorial & plugin with examples
July 9, 2012 | Article
In this Article we are providing best jQuery rss reader tutorial & plugin.Rss is the easy way to get the current update of any blog or website.These updates includes full or summarized text like blog entries, news headlines, audio, and video in a standardized format.And if you want to show these updates of...
Related topics : using google reader for rss feeds / jquery rss feed reader script / display rss feed on website using php / create rss feed for website using php / php rss feed reader tutorial
Creating a Custom RSS Feed Aggregator -
Creating a Custom RSS Feed Aggregator
November 26, 2003
Rich Site Summary feeds, better known as RSS, are a great example of how XML is making a major impact in regards to the way information is consumed. This XML dialect is a popular format for summarizing information, typically, but not exclusively news-oriented data consisting of common attributes like a title, summary, author, and...
Related topics : create rss feed for site / create rss feed aggregator / custom rss feed aggregator / create rss feed reader php / php mysql rss feed reader
Magpie RSS - PHP RSS Parser
Makes extensive use of constants to allow overriding default behaviour, and installation on shared hosts.
Modular - wraps a simple interface (fetch_rss()) around the library. - provides the RSS parser, and the RSS object - a simple (no GC) object cache, optimized for RSS objects - utility functions for working with RSS. currently provides parse_w3cdtf(), for parsing W3CDTF into epoch seconds.
Secure - supports HTTP...
Related topics : parsing rss feed using php / rss feed parsing php / rss feed parser php
RSS/Atom feed parser - How To Create
NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day , invalid RSS 0.91 feed, fixed using the 'allow HTML' option
Sample OPML file , used to import a list of feed URLs
This script allows you to display RSS/Atom feeds on your Web site. It is available as a zip archive. It contains all the files required to run this script. You can put this on your own server, and run it from there. This version also allows...
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Joomla Aggregator with Scraper and Article Spinner: Joomla ...
Joomla Scraper
Joomla Scraper is Aggregator plus grabber For Joomla
Joomla Scraper is RSS scraper, the Best high technology advanced content Scraper and Aggregator that can aggregate and import in database of Joomla many rss feeds and FULL TEXT of original content and rewrite content with built-in article spinner with many options.
Joomla Scraper giong Open Source from 08.03.2017! No licenses and...
Date: 2017-04-03 07:26:23
Related topics : joomla rss feed aggregator / joomla rss aggregator / custom rss feed aggregator / open source rss feed aggregator / open source php rss feed aggregator
Build an Automated RSS Feed List With jQuery | Design Shack
Build an Automated RSS Feed List With jQuery
The typical process of creating a dynamic feed listing requires some type of backend language. Obviously this can work out fine if you are familiar with Rails or PHP, but I want to present a method for pulling RSS feeds via jQuery. The problem is accessing Ajax requests from an external server and then converting this XML information to something a bit...
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