Main topics about shopping aggregator

shopping aggregator app  •  shopping aggregator websites  • 

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Mobile Shopping Apps: Branded vs. Multi-branded Retailers ...

Global sales on mobile devices are expected to reach over $130B this year, and mobile shopping is the fastest growing app category. Though the opportunity is apparent, many lucrative brands are struggling to take advantage of that opportunity by incorporating mobile into their overall commerce strategy.

Multi-branded Apps Have the Upper Hand

Aggregated and user-generated content (UGC) are major...  [more...]

4 Articles (and 1 Videos) for this topic


How to Build an Aggregator Website |

Aggregator websites collect and post syndicated material from around the Web, including news, specialized reports in finance or publishing, or the latest bargains and deals in Internet shopping. Some aggregators have made the practice profitable by charging for ads on their aggregator pages or becoming an affiliate of the Internet shopping sites they syndicate data from. Once you complete the...  [more...]

3 Articles (and 1 Videos) for this topic

