Endangered Animals: Black Lion Tamarin

The squirrel-sized black lion tamarin (Leontopithecus chrysopygus) is one of the world's most endangered mammals (4). Also known as the golden-rumped lion tamarin, this species has glossy black fur with varying amounts of reddish-golden fur on the rump, thighs and base of the tail (2) (5). The long mane framing the face is black. Like the closely related golden lion tamarin, the black lion tamarin has long digits that are used to forage for small insects. -ARKive

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From: BiggestCivetLover

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Golden Lion Tamarin - The Lion Monkey

The golden lion tamarin or lion monkey, a native of Brazil, is one of the most brilliantly colored animals of all the mammals. The little fireball monkey has a big gold-orange-yellow ruff or mane of long hair around its face and neck covering its ears. Some of them are a very light golden color, others are rather bright orange and still others have some dark brown coloration as well. The hands, feet and face however are a dark brown or purple-ish color. It is a small-medium sized monkey...

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From: Sunil Bhardwaj

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