On Site SEO for B2B Websites
B2B websites need a variety of both broad and long tail keywords. Because B2B companies are industry specific or belong to a very unique niche, going after long tail keywords when doing the website's on-site SEO is important. But you also can't forget about broad keywords as well. Nick Stamoulis of Brick Marketing explains a few ways to optimize the SEO for your B2B website. Visit us online for additional SEO tips at http://www.brickmarketing.com/blog
From: BrickMarketingSEO
Related topics : long tail keyword niche / long tail seo keywords
3 Tips for Drawing in More Long Tail Search Engine Traffic.wmv
http://www.thefreedomblogger.com/ Some tips for drawing in more long tail search engine traffic on your website.
From: Patrick Meninga
Related topics : long tail search traffic
Course Introduction The Power Of The Long Tail Of Search
My website: http://realobmarketing.com
From: Oliver Orbitz
Related topics : long tail search
How to find great low competition keywords with long tail pro
Get longtail pro here:
Finding keywords that are right for you are obviously not a walk in the park, however long tail pro allows you to find great low competition keywords that you can use for your blog/website to start gaining more traffic.
In this video you will learn how to use long tail pro to find low competition keywords. Hope you enjoy :)
From: Ezekiel Santos
Related topics : how to find low competition long tail keywords / keyword competitiveness long tail pro / long tail video / long tail websites / how to find longtail keywords
Keyword Research: How to find low competition keywords with Long Tail Pro
Get longtail pro here:
Finding keywords that are right for you are obviously not a walk in the park, however long tail pro allows you to find great low competition keywords that you can use for your blog/website to start gaining more traffic.
In this video you will learn how to use long tail pro to find low competition keywords. Hope you enjoy :)
From: Ezekiel Santos
Related topics : how to find low competition long tail keywords / keyword competitiveness long tail pro / long tail pro blog / long tail video / how to find longtail keywords
Long Tail Pro Keyword Research Tool - My Secret Success Tool
Longtail Pro Platinum Keyword Research Tool Review
My Secret Success Tool
Learn how I've turned a dead in the water blog with 7 months of no visitors into thousands of visitors a month just by using this tool. Literally!!
Long Tail pro is the easiest most effective way to get your blog posts or websites to the top of Google with days or worst case in a few weeks.
If you don't have Long Tail Pro keyword research tool then you are missing out on...
From: James Bonadies
Related topics : long tail pro keyword research tool / long tail pro google keyword tool / longtail keyword tool review / long tail keywords traffic / longtail keyword research
Long Tail Cast-On Method | Casting-On How To | Knitting Lessons for Beginners
A video knitting lesson showing you how to cast on using the Long Tail method. I've also included instructions on how to cast on without a slip knot (at 4:35).
This is a versatile technique that can be used for the majority of projects.
If you would like to read more information about this technique, please visit my website:
Thanks for watching :)
From: Rokolee DIY
Related topics : cast knitting using long tail method
Long Tailed Duck / Long-Tailed Duck. Calls: Male And Female Iceland
This recording is from a collection within the Pro Sound Effects library.
For more exciting content and to learn more about sound libraries from Pro Sound Effects please visit our website: http://www.prosoundeffects.com
From: ProSound Effects
Related topics : long tailed ducks / long tail pro / long tail effect
Lesson 3 - Theory of Long Tail Search (Search Engine Optimization)
This presentation briefly describes the theory of long tail keyword searching, arguing that at the beginning, long tail keywords will be your most favourable choice until you become popular enough to use broad keyword terms to increase your rank
Please visit my website: http://www.theglaringfacts.com
Thanks so much for watching. I hope it was helpful :)
From: Sufi M
Related topics : long tail search engine optimization / long tail keyword search terms / long tail theory
How To Rank High in Google By Using Long Tail Keyword Domain Names Part 1
Using Long Tail Keyword Domain Names To Help Rank Your Website on The First Page of Google.
This is a really important video and will explain a few important things you need to know when wanting to rank high for organic search terms in Google.
This video will explain a little about long tail keywords and how you should use them for your domain names if you are looking for an exact match domain name (EMD).
From: Steve West
Related topics : using long tail keywords / google long tail keywords / long tail keyword search terms