Selected articles for topic: social news aggregator apps
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Political News Aggregator Sites and Apps -
Political news aggregator sites are useful tools that offer politics news from a wide variety of sources, making it convenient to read them all in one place.
The best political news aggregators curate or select top news stories in policy and politics and present headlines along with a blurb or lead sentence, telling you the main point of each article. They are must-have tools for political...
Related topics : best political news aggregators / political news aggregator app / political news aggregator sites / based political news aggregator / political news aggregator
The top 7 news aggregator apps for your smartphone ...
The top 7 news aggregator apps for your smartphone
Representational image
Ashwin Rajagopalan | Wed, 2 Dec 2015-09:00am , Mumbai , DNA webdesk
Bring all your favourite news sources across regions and genres to your mobile screen, with these nifty aggregators.
Hate visiting a zillion websites or installing scores of news apps to get your daily dose of updates? There's certainly an easier...
Related topics : top news aggregator apps / best news aggregator app android 2015 / local news aggregator app / news aggregator android app / google news aggregator app
INMA: Aggregator apps: Friend or foe to publishers?
Aggregator apps: Friend or foe to publishers?
Mobile Strategies | 07 January 2015
By Padraic Woods
Aggregator apps are changing the way news is discovered, consumed, and packaged.
The popularity of aggregator apps varies largely from country to country. A quarter of the top 20 apps in the news category on both the United States' Google Play store and Apple's App store are aggregator...
Related topics : google news aggregator app / most popular news aggregator apps / top news aggregator apps / social news aggregator apps / news feed aggregator apps
News aggregator app NewsDistill raises $100K in seed ...
News aggregator app NewsDistill raises $100K in seed funding
NewsDistill today said in a statement that it is likely to raise another $100,000 from other investors in the next couple of months.PTI �|� Updated: September 17, 2016, 09:05 IST
NewsDistill , a Hyderabad city-based news aggregator app has raised $100,000 in seed funding from a group of investors including Ganesh Narasimhan , Ramana Thumu , and Sudhir Mallem...
Date: 2017-04-03 07:21:22
Related topics : news feed aggregator apps / indian news aggregator app / news aggregator apps 2015 / social news aggregator apps / news aggregator apps
Desktop News Aggregator Software Downloads
RiverGate Rss Reader 4.3.0
Data Added 1: January 26, 2014���
RSS feeds can be extremely useful as they deliver automatically updated information directly to your desktop. This allows you to stay well informed about any subject, topic, issue that interests you - whether news, job listings, personals, and classifieds, you'll always know what's going on. In order to be able to use/read feeds...
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5+ Best News Aggregator Apps for Windows 8/8.1/10 | Burptech
Want to stay tuned with latest news and updates on your PC? Then you can go for online resource! You can find many popular news sites where they provide latest news all around the world. So if you're getting bored of it then go for using applications on your operating system. This article is about some Best News Aggregator Apps for Windows 8, Windows 8.1 and Windows 10 Platforms. I've listed them...
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5 Best News Aggregators for Getting the Most from your Phone
5 Best News Aggregators & Best News Apps.
1. The Right Content - When it comes to mobile news readers, this is all about the right mix of content sources and quality content that you actually want to read.
2. Personalized - The best aggregators learn based on your preferences, what you read, rate and share. The content relevancy then continues to get better.
3. Speed & Ease - From updating new...
Related topics : best news aggregator apps iphone / local news aggregator app / best news aggregator app ipad / top news aggregator apps / social news aggregator apps
The 10 Best News Aggregator Apps For Those On The Go ...
The 10 Best News Aggregator Apps For Those On The Go
Written by Simply Zesty on 2 September 2012
With more news sources emerging and the feeling of information overload growing, it's handy that there are so many news aggregators out there. However, it's a crowded market, so finding out which ones are worth your time and are best suited towards your way of consuming information can be...
Related topics : top 10 news aggregator apps / best news aggregator apps iphone / best news aggregator app ipad / social news aggregator apps / news feed aggregator apps
Top News Aggregation Services - RocketTheme
Monday, 05 May 2014 17:33
Ryan M Pierson
In this two-part series, we will take a look at some of the best options out there for managing and reading news from various sources around the Web. This first article focuses on news aggregation services that allow third-party apps to link in, giving the user the ability to choose a client that has the UI and feature set they need.
What is a News...
Date: 2017-04-03 07:22:35
Related topics : news feed aggregator featuring / online news aggregator service / news aggregator service / news feed aggregator apps / rss news feed aggregator
Best News Aggregators | Ubergizmo
Best News Aggregators
By Dilawer Soomro on 08/01/2016 06:00 PDT
Following individual news sites to get your daily news fix is a tiresome activity. You can not visit each news site separately to get the latest news on different topics of interest. However, you can use news aggregators to bring all the current news from multiple channels into a single dashboard. Here are some of the best news...
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Custom News RSS Feeds from Bing and Google News | Scott Ge
Custom News RSS Feeds from Bing and Google News
5 (100%) 1 vote
You may want to subscribe to top news based on your interests;� your app or social account may also want to automatically feed with news.� In this blog article, I will introduce two popular news RSS feeds and how you can customize it based on your own keywords.
Bing News RSS Feed
Bing News is a part of Microsoft's Bing...
Related topics : rss news feed aggregator / web based news feed aggregator / news rss aggregator / google rss feed aggregator / google rss feed app
All Things Appy: 5 Best Android News Apps | Reviews ...
All Things Appy: 5 Best Android News Apps
By Patrick Nelson
Mar 27, 2013 5:00 AM PT
With the unexpected news that Google's RSS feed reader, Google Reader, is being put out to pasture, many users are scrambling to find new tools for news consumption.
However, TechNewsWorld has been very much on top of the Android news app melee over the last year, and we can recommend the top five free news apps...
Related topics : feedly - your news rss google reader / feedly. google reader news rss / google rss feed reader app / using google reader for rss feeds / google rss feed reader android
25 iPhone Apps for the Mobile Fashionista - Mashable
25 iPhone Apps for the Mobile Fashionista
By Lauren Indvik
2010-09-14 14:27:19 UTC
The Fashion Tech Series is supported by Nordstrom Conversation . To share your thoughts on apps and social media in the fashion industry, join the Conversation at Nordstrom .
If you're passionate about style, chances are you've downloaded a few fashion-related apps for your smartphone.
You've probably also...
Related topics : fashion blog aggregator app / best free rss feed app for iphone / free rss feed app for iphone / best free rss app for iphone / best news aggregator apps iphone
[Android] Best free RSS reader/news aggregator | Reviews ...
Requires: Android 1.5 and up
Supports all (most) types of feeds, including but not limited to RSS, atom, and social feeds.
Social feeds including Facebook (personal Facebook feeds), Digg top stories, Reddit top stories, Youtube top videos, and more.
Users can use pre-configured sources/feeds, or add their own.
Has the ability to import feeds from Google Reader accounts and sync read...
Related topics : open source rss feed reader android / open source rss feed reader / feedly - your news rss google reader / feedly. google reader news rss / open source rss feed aggregator
The Top 5 Social Media Managing Tools | Social Media Today
June 15, 2012 Jen Eisenberg
Let's be honest: managing social media accounts can be overwhelming.
Tweeting, Facebooking, checking in on Foursquare, questioning on Quora, updating your LinkedIn, pinning on Pinterest, admiring your Klout is exhausting. Logging in to so many disconnected social media accounts can be a daunting and inefficient. What you need is a dashboard - a place to...
Date: 2017-04-03 07:00:11
Related topics : social media aggregator sites / social media feed aggregator app / social media aggregator app iphone / social media aggregator app android / social media aggregator apps
Ballhyped App Review - Sports Blog Aggregator - AppAppeal
All Sports News Apps
How does the web app look and feel to use?
The BallHyped website takes on the typical social networking website appearance. A new user is greeted with a lot of information, images, and tools to wade through. The site is relatively well organized and a new visitor can get the hang of the layout quickly. The homepage provides highlights of recent posts with options for top...
Date: 2017-04-03 04:00:34
Related topics : website aggregator for social networking / sports blog aggregator / sports news aggregator / social news aggregator apps / social news aggregator website
Algorithm-based Content Aggregator Websites - Scott Cowley
One of a content marketer's main questions is how to use content strategically. For those who don't have the resources to create all their own content, there's curation-distributing others' content in a way that builds trust and brand equity. My observation is that very few people really know how to curate well. Good curation is a component of consistency, timing, and taste. If not done...
Date: 2017-04-02 00:12:33
Related topics : content aggregator website examples / web content aggregator / website content aggregator / most popular news aggregator sites / web based news feed aggregator
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