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Listen to The Long Tail Audiobook by Chris Anderson, narrated by Christopher Nissley

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Chris Anderson first explored the Long Tail in an article in Wired magazine that has become one of the most influential business essays of our time. Now he takes a closer look at the new economics of the Internet age, showing where business is going and exploring the huge opportunities that exist: for new producers, new e-tailers, and new tastemakers. He demonstrates how long-tail economics apply to industries ranging from the toy business...

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Listen to The Long Tail Audiobook by Chris Anderson, narrated by Christopher Nissley

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Chris Anderson first explored the Long Tail in an article in Wired magazine that has become one of the most influential business essays of our time. Now he takes a closer look at the new economics of the Internet age, showing where business is going and exploring the huge opportunities that exist: for new producers, new e-tailers, and new tastemakers. He demonstrates how long-tail economics apply to industries ranging from the toy business...

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From: Harlan Clarkson

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