Marketing Mondays - The Keywords Your Business Needs to Focus On

This week we discuss the keywords your business actually needs to focus on and the ones that you can leave in the dust. Two different types of keywords: short tail and long tail. For a small business, long-tail keywords are where you can dominate, get more business and grow. Concentrate your efforts on localized, long-tail keywords. Trust us. That's where the gold is at.

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From: Genesis Net Development

Related topics : difference between long tail and short tail keywords / long tail and short tail business / long tail keyword marketing / long tail short tail

NP 73: How to Make a Successful Website Using Long Tail Keywords: A Discussion of 6 Real Life...

Today on the podcast, Perrin and I discuss 6 examples of successful websites using long tail keywords.

In general, if you are interested in building websites that get traffic from long tail keywords (and often really long tail keywords), then this podcast will give you some ideas and get you motivated.

Overall, if you are interested in learning more about how to apply these long tail keyword strategies in your own websites, please check out Long Tail University (our keyword research...

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Related topics : using long tail keywords / long tail keywords traffic / long tail keyword strategy

Rethinking Search: Keyphrases & Long Tail - Avinash Kaushik

In this interview at eMetrics, Avinash Kaushik encourages us to rethink search. Instead of keywords, think instead in terms of 'long tail' keyphrases that are used infrequently, but represent qualified, motivated customers. His initial advice is to use SEO or organic search for brand and 'head' terms, and to exploit paid search for 'long tail' terms. SEO should be seen as a long-term strategy.

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From: Web Marketing Today

Related topics : long tail keyword search terms