Selected articles for topic: long tail distribution
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The Long tail and Mobile Web 2.0 applications - Futuretext
This is an ambitious post and I seek your feedback to improve its insights.
One of my personal highlights at 3GSM was an informal meeting organised by Daniel Appelquist from Vodafone. Apart from futuretext (me), other attendees included Vodafone , Swisscom , Ikivo , IBM , T-mobile , Gregory Gorman(The Open Group) , Access , Soonr and Teleca .
Opera Software , Sony-Ericsson and Openwave expressed...
Related topics : long tail web content / long tail web / long tail strategy amazon / book industry long tail / long tail model amazon
statistics - Difference between a long tail and normal ...
up vote 2 down vote
Recall that the density function of the (standard) normal has shape $ke^{-x^2/2}$, where $k$ is a constant. If $x$ is at all large, $e^{-x^2/2}$ is very close to $0$. Compare this with even an exponential distribution, which (for the same variance) has density function $e^{-x}$ (for $x\ge 0$). Although $e^{-x}$ decays rapidly, it does...
Related topics : long tail distributions / dog long tail
Software Robots: The Long Tail of Automation | WIRED
In 2004, Chris Anderson's now famous Wired article introduced the World to the Long Tail of niche marketing . This is a frequency distribution -- a graph, that can be used to understand a retailing strategy for selling a large number of unique items in individually small volumes.
He showed how the internet, and the likes of Amazon, could support a near "infinite" shelf strategy, offering niche...
Related topics : chris anderson wired long tail article / chris anderson the long tail wired / chris anderson the long tail 2004 / long tail article chris anderson / anderson the long tail wired
The Long Tail - Implications for Hotel Sales and Marketing ...
� 2008 Hospitality Upgrade. No reproduction without written permission.
Most everyone has heard the phrase the long tail by now but many are unclear as to what exactly this means and how does it affect my hotel.
The term was coined in 2004 by Chris Anderson, the editor and chief of Wired Magazine. His book, "The Long Tail - How Endless Choice Is Creating Unlimited Demand," postulates...
Related topics : chris anderson the long tail how endless choice is creating unlimited demand / long tail how endless choice is creating unlimited demand / wired magazine chris anderson long tail / chris anderson long tail book / long tail tourism new geographies for marketing niche tourism products
Long Tail Point Lighthouse | Photograph | Wisconsin ...
Long Tail Point Lighthouse | Photograph | Wisconsin Historical Society
Second Long Tail Point lighthouse, built in 1859.
Creator Name: Straubel, Frederick L.G.
City: Green Bay
Collection Name: Straubel, Frederick L. G., 1861-1938 : Frederick L. G. papers, 1897-1969
Genre: Photograph
Original Format Type: negative, b/w copy
Original Format Number: (s85)45
Original Dimensions: 4 x 5 inches
This structure replaced a stone lighthouse built in 1847. See Image ID 31663. Captain George A. Gaylord was appointed keeper in 1880.
How to...
Related topics : long tail point lighthouse / long tail point / long tail web pages / long right tail distribution / long tail web
Question: Should You Invest In The Long Tail? Answer: Not ...
Question: Should You Invest In The Long Tail? Answer: Not Really
by Lydia Loizides , Op-Ed Contributor, August 15, 2008
As many of you know, I have never been one to pay heed to the latest and greatest pop-business theories. So when I came across an article in the July/August Harvard Business Review, "Should You Invest in the Long...
Related topics : anita elberse should you invest in the long tail / should you invest in the long tail / anita elberse long tail theory / anita elberse long tail / long tail marketing digital
The Long Tail - Wired Blogs
The Long Tail article (and the forthcoming book) is about the big-picture consequence of this: how our economy and culture is shifting from mass markets to million of niches. It chronicles the effect of the...
Related topics : long tail wired article / long tail blog posts / long tail blog / wired long tail / long tail article
Should You Invest in the Long Tail? - Article - Harvard ...
Article | Harvard Business Review | July - August 2008
Should You Invest in the Long Tail?
The blockbuster strategy is a time-honored approach, particularly in media and entertainment. When space is limited on store shelves and in traditional distribution channels, producers tend to focus on a few likely best sellers, hoping that one or two big hits will carry the rest of their lists. But online retailing and the digitization of information goods have changed the commercial landscape: Virtual shelf space is infinite, consumers can search through innumerable options, and the marginal...
Related topics : the long tail why the future of business is selling less of more by chris anderson / the long tail why the future of business is selling less of more (2006) / long tail why the future of business is selling less of more / chris anderson wired long tail article / wired magazine chris anderson long tail
The Long Tail by Chris Anderson - AbeBooks
The Long Tail by Chris Anderson
You Searched For:
Results (1 - 30) of 471
ISBN 10: 184413850X ISBN 13: 9781844138500
ISBN 10: 1401302378 ISBN 13: 9781401302375
Destination, Rates & Speeds
Item Description: New York Hyperion. Gebundene Ausgabe. Book Condition: Gebraucht. Gebraucht - Gut - What happens when the bottlenecks that stand between supply and demand in our culture go away and everything becomes available to everyone 'The Long Tail' is a powerful new force in our economy: the rise of the niche. As the cost of reaching consumers drops dramatically, our markets are shifting...
Related topics : long tail marketing chris anderson / long tail economy chris anderson / long tail chris anderson definition / long tail model chris anderson / the long tail chris anderson google books
The Long Tail: How Endless Choice is Creating Unlimited ...
By Robert Morris HALL OF FAME TOP 500 REVIEWER VINE VOICE on January 26, 2009
Format: Paperback
Note: The review that follows is of the revised and updated edition of a book that was first published in 2006. It offers essentially the same information and insights except that Anderson has added a new chapter on marketing, one in which he explains "how to sell where `selling' doesn't work." More...
Related topics : the long tail how technology is turning mass markets into millions of niches / the longer long tail how endless choice is creating unlimited demand chris anderson / anderson chris 2004 the long tail wired magazine october 2004 / chris anderson the long tail how endless choice is creating unlimited demand / the longer long tail how endless choice is creating unlimited demand
The Long Tail: Why the Future of Business is Selling Less ...
By Robert Morris HALL OF FAME TOP 500 REVIEWER VINE VOICE on January 26, 2009
Format: Paperback
Note: The review that follows is of the revised and updated edition of a book that was first published in 2006. It offers essentially the same information and insights except that Anderson has added a new chapter on marketing, one in which he explains "how to sell where `selling' doesn't work." More...
Date: 2017-03-22 20:55:38
Related topics : the long tail how technology is turning mass markets into millions of niches / anderson chris 2004 the long tail wired magazine october 2004 / chris anderson the long tail wired october 1 2004 / anderson chris. the long tail wired october 2004 / chris anderson the long tail wired october 2004
The Long Tail: Why the Future of Business is Selling Less ...
By Robert Morris HALL OF FAME TOP 500 REVIEWER VINE VOICE on January 26, 2009
Format: Paperback
Note: The review that follows is of the revised and updated edition of a book that was first published in 2006. It offers essentially the same information and insights except that Anderson has added a new chapter on marketing, one in which he explains "how to sell where `selling' doesn't work." More...
Date: 2017-03-22 20:55:38
Related topics : the long tail how technology is turning mass markets into millions of niches / anderson chris 2004 the long tail wired magazine october 2004 / chris anderson the long tail wired october 1 2004 / anderson chris. the long tail wired october 2004 / chris anderson the long tail wired october 2004
The Long Tail: Why the Future of Business Is Selling Less ...
By Robert Morris HALL OF FAMETOP 50 REVIEWER on Jan. 26 2009
Format: Paperback
Note: The review that follows is of the revised and updated edition of a book that was first published in 2006. It offers essentially the same information and insights except that Anderson has added a new chapter on marketing, one in which he explains "how to sell where `selling' doesn't work." More about this chapter...
Date: 2017-03-22 20:55:20
Related topics : the long tail how technology is turning mass markets into millions of niches / anderson chris 2004 the long tail wired magazine october 2004 / chris anderson the long tail wired october 1 2004 / anderson chris. the long tail wired october 2004 / chris anderson the long tail wired october 2004
Longtail Salamander, Eurycea longicauda
Longtail Salamander (from the AR MI Atlas )
An adult Longtail Salamander ( click for larger image).
Description: One of Ohio's longest salamanders, the tail of this aptly named animal comprises 60-65% of its total length (up to 9"). The ground color is usually some shade of yellow or orange, but may be brownish in some individuals. Unlike the closely related Cave Salamander, the black spots on the Long-tailed Salamander are usually arranged into weak rows and form bars on either side of the distal portion of the tail.
Distribution in Ohio: Southwestern...
Date: 2010-01-23 22:00:05
Related topics : long tailed salamander ohio / long tailed salamander habitat / long tail salamander / long tail animals name / long tail animals list
Sampling Distribution of Pearson's r
Figure 2 shows the sampling distribution for = 0.90. This distribution has a very short positive tail and a long negative tail.
Figure 2. The sampling distribution of r for N = 12 and = 0.90.
Referring back to the SAT example, suppose you wanted to know the probability that in a sample of 12 students, the...
Date: 2013-08-08 21:22:26
Related topics : long tail short tail distribution / long tail distributions / long tail short / long tail short tail
Skewness and Kurtosis - UAH
depending on whether \(\skw(X)\) is positive, negative, or 0.
In the unimodal case, if the distribution is positively skewed then the probability density function has a long tail to the right, and if the distribution is negatively skewed then the probability density function has a long tail to the left. A symmetric distribution is unskewed.
Suppose that the distribution of \(X\) is...
Date: 2016-10-04 22:08:48
Related topics : normal distribution long right tail / long right tail distribution / normal distribution right tail / long tail distributions / long right hand tail
Traffic generation model - Wikipedia
Application[ edit ]
The network performance can be analysed by network traffic measurement in a testbed network, using a network traffic generator such as iperf , bwping and Mausezahn . The traffic generator sends dummy packets, often with a unique packet identifier, making it possible to keep track of the packet delivery in the network.
Numerical analysis using network simulation is often a less...
Date: 2017-03-15 23:16:08
Related topics : long tail model example / long tail model / long tail traffic / long tail distributions / long tailed data
Weasel - The Canadian Encyclopedia
The weasel is a small, long-bodied, carnivorous mammal of the family Mustelidae.
The weasel is a small, long-bodied, carnivorous mammal of the family Mustelidae. There are three types of weasels in Canada: the short-tailed weasel, also known as the ermine or stoat (Mustela erminea), the long-tailed weasel (Mustela frenata), and the least weasel (Mustela nivalis). The least weasel is the smallest...
Date: 2017-04-03 12:03:50
Related topics : long tailed weasel range / long tail weasel prey / long tailed weasel distribution / long tailed weasel / long tail weasels
Skewed Data - Math is Fun
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Skewed Data
Data can be "skewed", meaning it tends to have a long tail on one side or the other:
Negative Skew?
Why is it called negative skew? Because the long "tail" is on the negative side of the...
Date: 2017-02-04 03:04:59
Related topics : normal distribution long right tail / long tail meaning / long right hand tail / long right tail distribution / long tailed data
Skewed Data -
About Ads
Skewed Data
Data can be "skewed", meaning it tends to have a long tail on one side or the other:
Negative Skew?
Why is it called negative skew? Because the long "tail" is on the negative side of the...
Date: 2017-02-04 03:04:59
Related topics : normal distribution long right tail / long tail meaning / long right hand tail / long tailed data / long tail data
CiteULike: Should You Invest in the Long Tail?
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The blockbuster strategy is a time-honored approach, particularly in media and entertainment. When space is limited on store shelves and in traditional distribution channels, producers tend to focus on a few likely best sellers, hoping that one or two big hits will carry the rest of their lists. But online retailing and the digitization of information goods have changed the commercial landscape: Virtual shelf space is infinite, consumers can search through innumerable options, and the marginal cost of reproducing and distributing products is low....
Related topics : the long tail why the future of business is selling less of more by chris anderson / the long tail why the future of business is selling less of more (2006) / wired magazine chris anderson long tail / long tail why the future of business is selling less of more / long tail marketing chris anderson
Overview - Long-tailed Jaeger (Stercorarius longicaudus ...
This is the smallest of the three jaegers. It is also the one which has the longest of all central tail feathers. As in the Parasitic (Stercorarius parasiticus) the tail streamers are pointed, but in the Long-tailed they are long and flow and move with the air, unlike the shorter, stiffer streamers of the Parasitic. Furthermore as an adult this jaeger only exists as a pale morph, although juvenile and immature stages are more variable in coloration. It is an Arctic breeder and pelagic during the non breeding season. In the Arctic it takes dry and often rocky tundra, such that it is the only jaeger that is found breeding...
Related topics : long tail point / bird with two long tail feathers / colorful bird with long tail feathers / bird long tail feathers / bird with long tailed
The Long Tail by Chris Anderson on Audio Download, Audio CD
Our world is being transformed by the Internet and the near limitless choice that it provides to consumers; tomorrow's markets belong to those who can take advantage of this. The Long Tail is really about the economics of abundance, an entirely new model for business that is just starting to show its power as unlimited selection reveals new truths about what consumers want and how they want to get it. The record business has been transformed by iTunes and Rhapsody; a similar transformation is coming to just about every industry imaginable.
What happens when everything in the...
Related topics : wired magazine chris anderson long tail / chris anderson wired long tail article / chris anderson the long tail wired / long tail article chris anderson / long tail marketing chris anderson
The Long Tail - Wired Blogs
October 01, 2005
Web 2.0 and the Long Tail, Part 2
After posting his Web 2.0 "meme map" , which he apparently hadn't expected people to find until he was finished with an accompanying essay, Tim O'Reilly has now posted the full essay: What is Web 2.0 . He'll be talking about it at his Web 2.0 conference next week in San Francisco.
I think Web 2.0 is a real and powerful concept, but the precise...
Related topics : long tail blog posts / long tail web content / leveraging the long tail through customer self service / long tail blog / long tail content definition
The Long Tail (book) - Wikipedia
Concept[ edit ]
The book argues that products in low demand or that have a low sales volume can collectively build a better market share than their rivals, or exceed the relatively few current bestsellers and blockbusters, provided the store or distribution channel is large enough. The term long tail has gained popularity as describing the retailing strategy of selling a large number of different items which each sell in relatively small quantities, usually in addition to selling large quantities of a small number of popular items. Chris...
Date: 2017-03-29 01:18:44
Related topics : anderson chris 2004 the long tail wired magazine october 2004 / anderson chris. the long tail wired october 2004 / chris anderson the long tail wired october 2004 / chris anderson wired long tail article / wired magazine chris anderson long tail
The Long Tail (book) - Wikipedia
Concept[ edit ]
The book argues that products in low demand or that have a low sales volume can collectively build a better market share than their rivals, or exceed the relatively few current bestsellers and blockbusters, provided the store or distribution channel is large enough. The term long tail has gained popularity as describing the retailing strategy of selling a large number of different items which each sell in relatively small quantities, usually in addition to selling large quantities of a small number of popular items. Chris...
Date: 2017-03-29 01:18:44
Related topics : anderson chris 2004 the long tail wired magazine october 2004 / anderson chris. the long tail wired october 2004 / chris anderson the long tail wired october 2004 / chris anderson wired long tail article / wired magazine chris anderson long tail
Normal Distributions, Standard Deviations, Modality ...
Normal distributions, Modality, Skewness and Kurtosis: Understanding the concepts
The normal distribution is a theoretical concept of how large samples of ratio or interval level data will look once plotted. Since many variables tend to have approximately normal distributions it is one of the most important concepts in statistics. The normal curve...
Related topics : normal distribution long right tail / normal distribution right tail / long right tail mean median / long right tail distribution / long right tail
10,000 Birds | South Africa’s endemic birds
My home country of South Africa can only be described as a birding paradise! Although in raw numbers (843 species recorded to date) it doesn't compete with tropical countries to the north or on other continents (especially South America), South Africa makes up for this in several ways:
o the highest number of endemics on the continent: 19 true endemics, 2 breeding endemics, 1 winter...
Related topics : small bird with long tail south africa / bird with long tail south africa / small south african bird with long tail / south african bird with long tail / blue bird long tail feathers
Chris Anderson (writer) - Wikipedia
Chris Anderson (born July 9, 1961) [2] is a British-American author and entrepreneur. He was with The Economist for seven years before joining WIRED magazine in 2001, where he was the editor-in-chief until 2012. He is known for his 2004 article entitled The Long Tail ; which he later expanded into the 2006 book, The Long Tail: Why the Future of Business Is Selling Less of More. [3] He is the...
Date: 2017-03-26 04:33:01
Related topics : the long tail why the future of business is selling less of more (2006) / the long tail why the future of business is selling less of more by chris anderson / anderson chris 2004 the long tail wired magazine october 2004 / anderson chris. the long tail wired october 2004 / chris anderson the long tail wired october 1 2004
UK Butterflies - Long-tailed Blue - Lampides boeticus
< Previous Species Next Species >
The Long-tailed Blue is an extremely rare migrant to the British Isles. It was first recorded from Brighton in East Sussex , and Christchurch in Hampshire, in August 1859. By 1939 a mere 36 sightings had been recorded - mostly of individuals. Between 1940 and 1988 another 85 sightings were recorded. The only major immigration was in 1945, a good year for migrants in general, when there were 38 sightings. A recent immigrant was observed in...
Related topics : long tailed pea blue butterfly / long tailed blue butterfly / long tail blue / long tail site / long tail world ??
The Fat Tails Statistical Project - Fooled by Randomness
Some BS detecting papers that precede the project
Taleb, N.N., 2014, (On The conflation of long volatility and fat tails ), Quantitative Finance. A strange overactive smear-campaigner , Eric Falkenstein, extremely innocent of probability, kept spreading all manner of disinformation about my work. While it may have been ineffective in stopping the spread of my ideas, the strawmanship resulted in...
Date: 2016-09-07 18:51:56
Related topics : long tail fat tail / long tail fat / long tail distributions / long tail risk meaning / long tail meaning
Scissor-Tailed Flycatcher - National Geographic
The striking scissor-tailed flycatcher is our only regular "long-tailed kingbird." It is not only graceful and beautiful, but also common and easy to observe. Monotypic. Length 10-14.8" (25-38 cm).
Identification Adult: medium-size with a long, forked tail. The male's tail is longer than the female's. Entirely pale gray head and back; extensive white in outer tail contrasts with blackish upperwings and central tail. Whitish underparts; pinkish wash on belly. Salmon to salmon-pink sides, flanks, and underwing coverts; bright red axillaries. Female duller; red crown patch reduced or absent. Juvenile:...
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Breakthroughs and the 'Long Tail' of Innovation
To understand how breakthroughs in innovation arise, managers first need to be aware of the different factors that shape the highly skewed distribution of creativity.
Many managers have little understanding of the process of invention. Nor do they possess much insight about the most likely sources of technological and scientific breakthroughs. Specifically, are blockbuster...
Related topics : breakthroughs and the long tail of innovation / long right tail distribution / long tail search terms definition / long tail distributions / long right tail
Long Tail by Anderson - AbeBooks
Destination, Rates & Speeds
Item Description: New York Hyperion. Gebundene Ausgabe. Book Condition: Gebraucht. Gebraucht - Gut - What happens when the bottlenecks that stand between supply and demand in our culture go away and everything becomes available to everyone 'The Long Tail' is a powerful new force in our economy: the rise of the niche. As the cost of reaching consumers drops dramatically, our markets are shifting from a one-size-fits-all model of mass appeal to one of unlimited variety for unique tastes. From supermarket...
Related topics : long tail economics examples / long tail marketing definition / long tail business model examples / long tail niche marketing / long tail definition anderson
The Long Tail Audiobook | Chris Anderson |
View full details >
Mark Twain once observed, "A lie can get halfway around the world before the truth can even get its boots on." His observation rings true: urban legends, conspiracy theories, and bogus public-health scares circulate effortlessly. Meanwhile, people with important ideas (business people, teachers, politicians, journalists, and others) struggle to make their ideas "stick". In...
Related topics : wired magazine chris anderson long tail / chris anderson wired long tail article / chris anderson the long tail 2006 / chris anderson the long tail wired / long tail article chris anderson
Web search query - Wikipedia
Types[ edit ]
There are three broad categories that cover most web search queries: informational, navigational, and transactional. [1] These are also called "do, know, go." [2] Although this model of searching was not theoretically derived, the classification has been empirically validated with actual search engine queries. [3]
Informational queries - Queries that cover a broad topic (e.g.,...
Date: 2017-04-03 05:12:00
Related topics : long tail search queries / long tail search engine optimization / long tail search engine / long tail keyword search terms / long tail search terms
Chris Anderson - Leigh Bureau
What You Pay For -- The New York Times
"Chris Anderson's Free unpacks a paradox of the online marketplace -- people making money charging nothing. What was once just a marketing gimmick has morphed into the basis of a trillion-dollar economy."
-- Newsweek
"Anderson's timing couldn't be better. Free arrives as whole swaths of the economy are having to contend with consumers finding ways --...
Related topics : the longer long tail how endless choice is creating unlimited demand chris anderson / chris anderson the long tail how endless choice is creating unlimited demand / the longer long tail how endless choice is creating unlimited demand / long tail how endless choice is creating unlimited demand / long tail marketing chris anderson
Fat Tail Risk: What It Means and Why You Should Be Aware ...
Fat Tail Risk: What It Means and Why You Should Be Aware Of It
November 02, 2015, 11:20:08 AM EDT By Trevir Nath
Shutterstock photo
Following the 2008 Financial Crisis, conventional financial theories have been challenged for their inability to realistically explain risk. Traditional strategies of asset pricing often rely on a normal bell curve to make market assumptions, but in reality, the...
Date: 2016-03-22 20:54:31
Related topics : long tail risk meaning / long tail risk definition / short tail and long tail risks / long tail risk exposure / long tail risks
CancerGuide: The Median Isn't the Message
The Median Isn't the Message
is the wisest, most humane thing ever written about cancer and statistics. It is the antidote both to those who say that, "the statistics don't matter," and to those who have the unfortunate habit of pronouncing death sentences on patients who face a difficult prognosis. Anyone who researches the medical literature will confront the statistics for their...
Date: 2008-01-16 03:25:25
Related topics : long right tail distribution / long right tail mean median / long right tail / long tail short tail distribution / long tail distributions
Harvard's Anita Elberse: Forget the "Long Tail" - CBS News
The Takeaway: Chris Anderson's now famous "long tail" theory urges media bosses to forget hit-making and instead to take advantage of the near zero cost of digital distribution to try and make money from selling small numbers of many titles to niche consumers. Sounds solid, but Elberse looked at some real world numbers and ends up less than convinced.
At Rhapsody, the music download service, the...
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Wired 12.10: The Long Tail
Hot Seat : Jeff Hawkins on intelligence
Sterling: Tomorrow's smart object is refreshingly dumb
Lessig: The Me Generation is burdening kids - and it's all our fault
More »
Hit-driven economics is a creation of an age without enough room to carry everything for everybody. Not enough shelf space for all the CDs, DVDs, and games produced. Not enough screens to show all the available movies. Not...
Related topics : wired long tail / long tail online stores / long tail media in the store / long tail online retail / long tail marketing digital
PJ Trailers Power Tail (patent pending)
The Power Tail (patent pending) is a hydraulic powered trailer tail that replaces typical trailer ramps with a 100% powered ramp system. This allows you to make the trailer ready to load and unload at the touch of a button. The tail rotates a full 180 degrees to serve both as a tail for loading and deck for storing cargo.
The PJ Power Tail is easier, safer, faster, and more reasonably priced than...
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Ontario FeederWatch Camera Link - Cornell Lab Bird Cams
Commonly Seen Species
Common Redpoll
Common Redpolls are brown and white birds with heavily streaked sides. Look for a small red forehead patch, black feathering around a yellow bill, and two white wingbars. Males have a pale red vest on the chest and upper flanks. More
Hoary Redpoll
A small pale bird of the high Arctic, the Hoary Redpoll is a rare winter visitor to southern Canada and the...
Related topics : black and white bird with long tail feathers / small black and white birds with long tails / black bird with white chest and long tail / black bird with white breast and long tail / black and white birds with long tails